Thursday, 22 December 2011

Day 2

December 22nd, 08.43

When I woke up this morning I was all thinking about various aspects of my sexual and romantic past – thinking about D and S and L – and I was also thinking about my writing and wondering why I don’t try and make it funny, given that it’s a funny subject and that I’m sure if I was talking about it in real life I would be making it funny and entertaining. But, oh well, it comes as it comes and there’s always space in the edit and/or the re-write to add a few puns. In any case, it was nice to wake up with it on my mind and think that progressing would be easy.
Then, though, I had to wait for Ali to leave for work – and in the meantime we got down to some sex. I was just sort of casually nibbling on her nipple – which would often lead to nothing – but then she said “that’s really turning me on” – and feeling those hips start to move against me I know this is only going one way. Sure enough, she reaches down, works some life into the old fella, and we go at it, slow and controlled and deep. I held off and she came – and then I started up again and held off some more and after a few more minutes we both did. Two orgasms. She went to work with a smile on her face today.
Silly me then got up and put on Radio 4, which is something I’ve never done at that time of day, and though it was sort of interesting I now realise the clowns on there have totally distracted me with all their talk of finances and Iraq and my mind has gone wandering down avenues different. Bloody money talk: how dull is that? And now I feel sleepy and aren’t thinking about my past and think I’d be better off getting back into bed and maybe watching American Beauty or something…
Yup, just not in the mood. Shouldn’t have put the radio on. Shouldn’t have had sex. Or, at least, shouldn’t have come – then maybe I wouldn’t feel quite so tired…


But then what I did was read through what I wrote yesterday, thinking that’d get me back on track, and it did, and not only that – as well as some editing and correcting – I found I actually quite liked it. Encouraging. So I got back on the horse and by about 6pm – late start, had a nap – I’d added another 7,333 words. Less than I was hoping for but almost exactly matched the rate of the first day.

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