Q: I called my brother. He's such a frustrating character. He puts nothing into our interactions. Says his life is "terrible" but won't do anything about it. Is obviously unhappy. But nothing I have ever been able to do seems to have been any use and the sensible thing appears to be to wash my hands. But I'm always open to alternatives. Pray tell, sweet I Ching, what is the wisdom regarding my relationship with my brother?
A: 54 - The Marrying Maiden. Changing lines 1, 2, 4 and 5.
"Undertaking brings misfortune. Nothing that would further."
'Nuff said.
Q: What have you to say about my thought of giving away the vast majority of my money? Would it be beneficial or foolish? Is there a purpose for it perhaps in the near future that I have yet to see? Or should I proceed with that idea? Probably you have no preference - but I should like to know: what shall be the outcome of giving my money away?
A: 1 - The Creative. Changing lines 1, 3, 5 and 6.
I thought "yes" when I read the main chapter and that made me happy. But all the changing lines seem to strongly be saying "no".
I'll let it rest.
Q: What is the wisdom regarding the writing of this blog? It used to bring both myself and others a lot of good but now I'm not so sure that it brings it's doing anything of benefit for anyone, and perhaps even does some harm. Once I felt you definitely told me to continue it, and you were right. But that was long time ago and things have changed. What about now? Should it go on?
A: 39 - Obstruction. Changing line 3.
In the main chapter, many recurring themes from both other recent readings and from life. The idea of seeking out "the great man" - John Milton? Mother Meera? some hitherto unknown teacher? - and also of the finding likeminded people. Also, once more "the southwest" appears. Could that be the literal southwest - such as Wales, Glastonbury, Cornwall and England's spiritual, hippy heartlands - or even Mexico, Baja, California - or is it as the reading states, the place of retreat? If only there were likeminded souls, a great teacher to whom I could attach myself. That's long been my dream. But life doesn't seem to bring me those things...
Meanwhile the changing line states once again that "going leads to obstruction, hence he comes back". If I apply this and the main chapter directly to this blog, is it an instruction to desist? At least for the time-being. Seems to be. And seems very much in accord with what life is telling me about the writing I do here: that it's for no purpose; that nobody reads it - or, at least, if they do they take nothing of good from it, as they maybe did back in '98 and '99, and as they maybe do from my book; and that my endless splurging and word- and mindgames don't really do me any good either. I could write forever. Give me a million hours of unadulterated typing, and the arms to do it, and I would still be going. But for what benefit? Just to show that my mind is inexhaustible and unfathomably mad? When one drop of divine experience is treasure far beyond anything my words could bring me.
I know that, but I don't act on it. I keep reporting my worldly experiences, for little apparent purpose. I share everything in the hope that there's a reason in sharing and remembering in it - but the hope grows more faint all the time. And anyway, won't I remember everything that needs to be remembered, whether I write it here or not? Isn't that what I learned from writing my book? And haven't I learned that talking and sharing in the real world is really where it's at, what helps me to grow? The blog once served a purpose - a great purpose - a true purpose - but that time, perhaps, is no more - and maybe hasn't been for a long time.
Maybe I should let this rest too.
Or delete it.
I'll toss a coin...
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