Thursday, 20 October 2011


Today, I think, I could have done some of the following:
  • Clean bits of rubble out of the cupboards in the flat
  • Tidy up the back storage area
  • Go to town and buy some useful things from the pound shop (hot water bottle, other things I can't currently remember)
  • Write something creative
  • Work on my essay
Instead, I've come to campus with my computer and sat on a sofa uploading really old diary entries to this blog. Naturally, I've read some of them too. Seems like I was really bonkers for a while there (spiritual phase) and sort of angry and wild for a period in my early twenties. Meanwhile, the theme of needing to get something off my chest has been pretty much constant.

PS Isn't sex strange? I see a video of a woman enthusiastically sucking a man's penis and I get turned on and fancy a bit of it myself; but if I see a video of a woman enthusiastically sucking a saveloy I'd just think it was a bit weird. Similarly, licking a vagina fires certain things in my brain and I feel pleasure - yet there about a million more things I could lick that, physically, would feel about the same, but they probably wouldn't rock my world. It really is ninety percent in the brain. And the thing is, sometimes I realise this and can see how it's working and it takes out all the magic. Then it's just sort of strange and funny.

Sex is for women, I've decided: they really seem to get something out of it. The man's job is just to provide that for them, and the best way to do that is to not enjoy it too much.

Still, they have invented a thing for a man to find pleasure and that thing is called "a blow job".

You can read said old diary entries by looking to your right and clicking on years that no longer exist, such as 1997, or 2008.


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