Monday, 18 June 2007

Actually, I feel quite normal

So Sunday's here and it's time for me to say, "so it's been a funny old week." Seems like a long one. Seems like I had a lot of ups and downs and now we're at the end of it I can't quite figure it out. Seems like a long time since Monday when I went with my friend to eat ice cream and stroke goats and play crazy golf in the blazing sunshine somewhere looking over patchwork-quilt hills not far from Dewsbury. Since then, of course, there was Countdown, and madness, and the deluge of forty days and forty nights, and work, and an inordinate amount of crazy writing – and now, today, a subdued and normal street fair in Horbury, and an actually very pleasant visit with my mum, and a realisation that just maybe I've been writing a little too much, and the writing I needed to de-crazify me ended up going the other way and taking me into crazy zones of craziness much too crazy for how crazy I need to be right now. It's good to get out the things that are in there – but do you maybe think I was just getting out things that weren't? And, typing that, I see that that doesn't make any sense, and that must mean it's time to move on – and, no, not with some imaginary dialogue that will lead me all loop-de-loo, but with a list of my new week's resolutions:

1. When I wake up, rather than turning on the computer, I will get up and find something productive to do – eg, going out into the real world
2. To tidy the disaster that is my desk at work
3. To do that "Rory writes" thing
4. To do my yuvutu video, now I've got a converter
5. To get some bloody exercise – I'm getting fat, man!

And five's enough, I think. In the meantime…leave some bloody comments, ya idle bunch! I has done given you much chewables this week – time's come for you to tell me what it tasted like! Also, have a video of me juggling devil sticks. Cheers!

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